Smart Communities Tend To Will Choose Prabowo-Sandiaga Pair In 2019 Presidential Election

Prabowo Subianto. Many issues say that the economy in Indonesia is still bad ahead of the 2019 presidential election, we need a president who can overcome the economy in Indonesia.

The respondents who answered the economy were still bad, the majority were voters candidate number 02 Prabowo-Sandiaga in the upcoming presidential election. This was stated in the findings of the LSI national survey on November 10-19 2018.

Interestingly, the education level of the respondents had a big contribution in choosing candidates Candidates number 01 or 02. Based on the findings of LSI, respondents who had attended higher education tended to choose Prabowo-Sandiaga.

"Prabowo-Sandi excels in various education segments," said Senior Researcher Adrian Sopa in his presentation at the LSI Office, Jakarta, Tuesday, November 27, 2018.

In the survey, the electability trend of candidate candidate number 01 Jokowi-Ma'ruf indeed tended to decline, if examined in terms of the education level approach. In elementary school graduates, incumbents were still 36.1 percent, but in respondents with higher education levels, only 14.7 percent remained.

The condition is precisely inversely proportional to the Prabowo-Sandiaga camp. The opposition candidate pair is getting superior along with the respondent's level of education. In voters who graduated from elementary school only 53.6 percent, but tend to continue to strengthen up to 76.5 percent level in college graduates.

"The higher the level of education, Prabowo-Sandi increasingly superior," he concluded.

For information, this survey was conducted on 10-19 November 2018 with a multistage random sampling method. The survey involved 1,200 respondents through face-to-face interviews in 34 provinces, with a margin of error of 2.9 percent.


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