Headquarters Moves to Central Java, Said Danhil

Prabowo Subianto. Spokesman for Prabowo-SAndi National Winning Body (BPN), Danhil Anzar, mentioned the reason for the plan to build the Prabowo-Sandi headquarters in the Central Java area. One reason, due to his belief in the survey that has a positive trend there.

"Based on our survey, Central Java is actually the term 'Battle Ground'. Many of our places have won narrowly, "said Dahnil.

Danhil said that this number would not be much different from the Central Java regional election that succeeded in breaking down the incumbent, the difference now being that Prabowo was fighting incumbent.

"That's above 43 percent thin difference, we're progressively going up while the next store is stuck. What is clear is that the Central Java regional election is miniature, because there is now a Prabowo effect, I think it will be higher than the 50 percent statistic, we are sure, "said Dahnil.

In addition, Danhil also mentioned that later the winning posts will be built which will spread throughout Central Java.

"So indeed the posts will be multiplied, it will be strengthened there indeed," he explained.

Danhil also mentioned that the main headquarters in Jakarta had not been moved, except that previously the location in SImatupang TB was slightly mixed up so it was on Kartanegara street No.6 on the access road.

"At the center it is still on K6, next to Pak Prabowo's house (K4)," he said.

At present Central Java is being widely referred to as Kandang Banteng because the area is the largest headquarters of PDIP.


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