PRABOWO: Indonesian People Must Be Proud To Use Batik

Prabowo Subianto. Prospective President Prabowo Subianto hopes for young people or millennials throughout Indonesia to continue to take care of and develop local cultural heritage. One of them is like batik. Therefore, he appealed to young people not to be ashamed to wear batik in their daily activities.

"Young people must be proud of using batik, and this must be an added power to raise up the people's economy and preserve and develop local cultural heritage," said Prabowo during a visit to the Batik Dian Showroom on Jl. Kalimantan No. 16, Sapuro Kebulen, Pekalongan, Central Java

Presidential candidate number 02 which was carried by the Gerindra Party, PKS, PAN, the Democratic Party, and the Working Party asserted that if he was trusted and chosen to become President of the Republic of Indonesia, he would fight for the improvement of the economy of the Indonesian people.

Related to the batik production center, he also promised to continue to develop local production by guaranteeing the availability of raw materials. So that the economy of the community can continue to increase.

"We must maintain and guarantee the availability of raw materials for making batik so that production will increase and the economy of the community will grow better," he said


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